Moove theme footer settings are relative to contact and social media items located on the left side of the footer. The items in the center and on the right side are Moodle features, but we will explain how to configure them too.
Website URL
You can add your institution's main address here, it's the first icon displayed.
If you wish, provide a contact number.
In this field it is possible to provide a contact e-mail.
Social networks
The icons for social networks are very simple to configure, just put the URL of your page on the social network. All networks below work the same (just adding the URL):
- Facebook URL
- Twitter URL
- Linkedin URL
- Youtube URL
- Instagram URL
Whatsapp number
In this field you need to enter your complete whatsapp number including country and area codes. Add ONLY numbers, remove any non-numeric symbols or characters.
Type here the complete link to your telegram contact/group/channel. eg:
Footer central area
Contact site support
Moodle 4.0 has now a contact email. By clicking on the "Contact site support" button, the user is redirected to a contact form, where he can leave a message for the site contact.
Messages sent via contact form are sent to the contact email configured in Moodle.
You can configure Moodle contact email in the following path:
Site administration > Server > Support contact
Get the mobile app
In the case you have web services enabled on your Moodle site, your users will be able to access the platform through the Moodle app.
You can configure the application page URL, by default this page is the Moodle APP provided by Moodle HQ, but if you have a customized version of the APP you can change the link on this page, for that, go to:
Site administration > General > Mobile app > Mobile appearance
Footer right side
The area on the right side is full dedicated to the Moodle APP.
In the case you have web services enabled on your Moodle site, your users will be able to access the platform through the Moodle app.
By default, the icons has the link to the Moodle APP provided by Moodle HQ, but if you have a customized version of the app you can change the APPs IDS, for that, go to:
Site administration > General > Mobile app > Mobile appearance